Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cobra Haz - T.A.T. (Hazardous - Tactical Assault Team) Officer

This next custom figure I did was never a real figure or character made by Hasbro or in any of the comics or cartoons. He was something that I came up with and is a completely new character based on my idea. Cobra needed an elite tactical assault team that would go into any hazardous situation and get the job done. I wanted this Officer to have some battle damage too and have the gear needed for pretty much any hostile assault situation they could encounter. He is loaded with grenades, a handgun for close-quarters combat, an uzi, a large rifle with scope, an air-filtration mask and body armor. The body armor these elite soldiers wear is light weight and moves very well with them, yet is very strong and can withstand multiple close-range rounds as well as most machine gun fire from a distance.

I started with a Cobra Night Watch Officer and swapped his upper legs for a pair of Tomax upper legs with the Cobra style armor pads on the front of them. The upper and lower legs, along with the "pants" part of the lower torso were painted black and then reattatched to the rest of the torso after they had dried.

Continued in tomorrow's post................................

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